29 July 2005

First Outing

I have to get better at picking times to sleep. I slept a little extra this morning, but he only slept a little while. Then he slept for like 5 hours this afternoon, when I was doing things around the house. Why the heck couldn't I pick then to sleep?!?!
I'm sleeping at my parents' house tonight since Tom's down at the house. I'm not quite ready to be only with the little one. I hope this all goes pretty smoothly being here with the dog and the baby and no Tom.
I'm exhausted! We took out first unsupervised trip today, and boy did I need a nap after that! Too bad I haven't done that yet. So many people stopped us and said he was so cute and so well behaved. He makes me so proud!! I just love him so much! I haven't cried in a couple of days, go me! I felt a little overwhelmed during the blackout, but that's the worst I've been in a little bit. Oh well, It's time to rouse the child and feed him.

Stay strong!

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